Thursday, January 24, 2008

Da-da and Crawling

Juliette crawled for the first time yesterday. She has moved from point A to point B before, never an official crawl.

She also said "Da-da, da-da, da-da." Over and over again last night and today she calls for her Da.

The belly laughs continue!

Stuffed animals were put within in reach and she seems to like them. Can't wait to see how the stuffed animal interest develops.

Monday, January 21, 2008

Juliette Likes Campbell Soup!

Juliette just ate a bowl of Campbell's Cream of Potato Soup! She's eating solid food!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Juliette is Eleven-Months Today!

Juliette is 11 months-old today. She is trying to talk, walk and has no teeth.

Juliette and I went to White-Flint Mall today. A four year-old boy asked me why Juliette could not walk or talk.

Looking back, no journal entry for January 19, 2007.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Juliette, Sponge Bob and My Mouse-pad

Juliette is still clicking her tongue. I click back whenever I can.

Juliette likes Sponge Bob cartoons!

She also likes to play with my mouse-pad.

Juliette is moving around the house. She rarely stays still. She is climbing up the side of the my chair right now.

Juliette tears my articles into pieces, pulls pens and my cell phone out of my purse.

Juliette laughs more and more these days.

Today it snowed and I opened the sliding glass-door to let the flurries flur around Juliette's outstreched hand. She grabbed the flakes and laughed. I think Juliette likes snowflakes.

It is dark now and the day is over. Where did the day go?

Monday, January 14, 2008

Juliette Talks and Sings

Today, Juliette quietly strings words together. She sings a few select words softly. She also tried to stand most of today, she whines when I stop her from standing. She is pushing herself to take everything to the next level.

Juliette giggles when I sing the Alphabet song to her. She giggles when we, Mommy and Daddy, sing the Alphabet song together.

I say Mommy and Papa, Momma and Papa, over, and over, and over again. Juliette stares at my mouth when I speak and wonders just where the sounds come from.

Tonight Juliette collapsed just minutes after I put her down in her crib, it was after 7 PM. She is sleeping so peacefully now, it is 10:20 PM.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Juliette Stands Up

I left her on the floor next to the bed. She pulled herself up and stood while holding onto the bed. She stood for a long time.

Juliette still clicks her tongue. She clicks. I click. she clicks.

Juliette has hair.

Juliette is medication free.

Juliette is still not eating solid food.

Juliette does not have a single tooth.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Juliette Waved Goodbye!

Juliette's house is near, but far, we have to wait for some of the red tape to go away before we know if it is ours. The house we bid on was auctioned publically this morning, there were no bidders. Ours is the only bid! I dream of this house. We will wait and see of it is to be Juliette's new home.

Grandmother Geraldine waved to Juliette from across the room and Juliette waved back again and again and again!

Tongue-clicking is Juliette's new form of communication, I click, she clicks, and I click...

Today Juliette tasted and liked blackberry yogurt! Tonight I bought Yo-Yo Baby!
Tiny portions of yogurt, sand antibiotics, hormones, etc. for infants and toddlers.

Juliette spent the day at Grandmother Geraldine's in Columbia, Maryland. We stayed with our weekly schedule despite the excitement about the house.

Juliette is officially off of all medications, six-weeks to 10-months, and she is doing well.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Juliette Pulled Herself Up

On Wednesday, January 4, 2008, Juliette went from sitting to standing with help from my leg and the sofa at Grandmother Geraldine's house. Event was witnessed by Aunt Romy, Mommy and Grandmother Geraldine.

Juliette also laughs when I laugh, she doesn't know what I am laughing at, yet.

Juliette was sick today. She took two naps, two-hours each.

I think Juliette is very, very cute.