Friday, May 23, 2008

Juliette is Sleeping Next To Me
It is 3:35 am and tomorrow we pack out cart for the 100th time and head out to Columbia and Grandmother;s house. I leave you there and go to Starbacks where I sit and work for hours and hours. I always look forward to coming home to you. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine, you make me happy when skies are gray...I know how corny this is...but please don't take my sunshine away.

As much as I crave the special quality of pregnancy and birth and another golden girl just like you. I HAVE YOU and I can barely contain the joy of that fact. I have my Juliette to call mine, for a time.

There is NOTHING, NOTHING like having Juliette here by my side. You are SO, SO cute. I love your little hands, your little feet, your little mouth and pillowy cheeks. I love you powerfully and completely.

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