Thursday, October 25, 2007

Seven Loads of Laundry!

Today I ran from my apartment to the laundry room five times. Once to the lobby to add money to my laundry card. Only once with the baby on my hip with a cart in front.

I had lunch. The baby had lunch. Formula and rice cereal for her. Frozen fried shrimp, miniature quiche and spinach and potatoe pancakes for me.

Then the baby slept in her crib from 1:00 PM to 3:52 PM. The first time she has done this in months and months. I was free to run back and forth, back and forth, and back and forth to the washing machines and dryers. Juliette slept this cloudy, gray, cold, fall day away.

In between running, I looked for homes on the real estate websites Anne and Vivi sent yesterday. They called the listings "Houses for Juliette!" On the Rockville, Potomic websites I found 10 goods homes. On the Silver Spring website I found about 20.

Juliette is 8 months and six days today.
She won't eat solid food from a spoon.
She's growing and she's healthy.
She pulls my glasses off.
She grabs everything in sight, within reach.
She often laughs hard.
Her hair is coming in.
She can sit up and shred magazines and catalogs.
She loves her Rainforest Jumparoo.
She is falling out of love with her Rainforest Bouncy chair and Rainforest swing. She moans and groans a great deal.
She likes the sound of her voice, I think.
She likes the computer keyboard. When I pull her hand away she moans and groans.

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